Customer creations
During my time growing and selling edible flowers it was a real dream come true for me to to work with extremely talented food and drink professionals and and to see my flowers being used for occasions of celebration and love. Here are a few photos of some of their gorgeous creations. Do check them out...
Claire Elizabeth :: @claireelizabethcakes
Photo credits: Claire Elizabeth
The Sweet Stuff :: @sweetstufflife
Photo credits: Pic1 The Sweet Stuff | Pics2-3 Becky Ryan Photography
Yummy Little Cakes :: @yummlittlecakes
Photo credits: Yummy Little Cakes
Whisk Patisserie :: @whisk.patisserie
Photo credits: Whisk Patisserie
The Walled Garden :: @walledgardenatbeestonfields
Photo credits: The Walled Garden
Belmont House Cakery :: @belmonthousecakery
Photo credits: Belmont House Cakery
Strawberry Cupcakes :: @strawberrycupcakes_notts
Photo credits: Strawberry Cupcakes
Amy Fish
Baker at The Pudding Pantry :: @poissoncroissant
Photo credit: Amy Fish
And more fabulous bakers and culinary artists...
Photo credits:
Pics1-2 Clemie Vegan Cakes | Pic3 @RebeccaButtons | Pic4 Gaynor Pokorny | Pic5 @aimilouisecakes | Pic6 @thebakehousenotts