Flower Deli Blog
Here is the archive of The Flower Deli blog. It finishes at the end of the 2019 season where I ceased growing edible flowers to sell.
I hope you enjoy the lovely photos and journey in these past blog posts.
Visit growcreatejoy.co.uk to see what I do now.
Edible flowers ready now
Published: 22nd Jul 2016
I'm delighted to be able to say that after many months of hard work our edible flowers are now available to buy in Nottingham.
Growing season underway
Published: 16th Apr 2016
After a busy winter preparing the greenhouses and garden, this years growing season is well underway with lots of healthy seedlings soon to become delicious edible flowers.
Rose panna cotta
Published: 30th Jun 2015
When we go to my in-laws for dinner, sometimes my husband’s mum will ask if we want panna cotta for dessert. I always, every time say “yes please!”
Chocolate dipped borage strawberries
Published: 28th Jun 2015
I actually remember the first time I ever tried strawberries dipped in melted chocolate. I was catching up with a friend at her house when she produced a punnet of strawberries, a bar of chocolate and a fondue set.
Edible flowers - Borage
Published: 21st Jun 2015
Borage, what a star. This little edible flower is friend to bees and human flower eaters alike. Because of its pretty shape, bright blue colour and light cucumber flavour it works with sweet and savoury dishes and looks great in drinks.
Roast veggies & edible radish flowers
Published: 19th Jun 2015
Roast veggies has to be one of my favourite dishes and even more so when some of the ingredients come from your own garden. Home grown onions and edible flowers from the radishes, yes!
Edible flowers - Chives
Published: 19th Jun 2015
Who would have thought that such a sweet looking little flower could have so much flavour? Well it does. Loved by bees and flora eating folk, chive flowers are pleasing in so many ways.
Chive flower cream cheese
Published: 19th Jun 2015
I've been willing the chive flowers to open for the past couple of weeks just so I could make something deeeelicious with them and here we are, chive flower cream cheese.
Edible flowers - Rocket
Published: 19th Jun 2015
If there ever was a photogenic edible flower, its the rocket flower. Usually we don't get to see them unless the rocket plant is allowed to go to flower so it feels like you're let in on a lovely secret.
Lilac sorbet & syrup
Published: 17th May 2015
The other two treats in the trio of lilac goodies are lilac sorbet and lilac syrup. Both made with purple lilac flowers and decorated with pure white ones.